{% extends 'tickets/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block tickets_content %} <h1>{% trans 'Support' %}</h1> {% url 'chat' as chat_url %} <p>{% trans 'Before creating a ticket, please check if you question is convered in' %} <a href="/page/faq">{% trans 'the FAQ' %}</a>. </p> <p>{% blocktrans trimmed with chat_url as chat_url %} If you would prefer to talk us in real time, we have a <a href="{{chat_url}}">live chat</a>.<br /> You can also use your own IRC client on #ccrypto on chat.freenode.net. We are however not always online and you may have to wait. {% endblocktrans %} </p> {% if tickets %} <h2>{% trans 'Your open tickets' %}</h2> <table class="admin-list"> <thead> <tr> <td>#{% trans 'ID' %}</td> <td>{% trans 'Subject' %}</td> <td>{% trans 'Status' %}</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for ticket in tickets %} <tr> <td>#{{ticket.id}}</td> <td><a href="{% url 'tickets:view' ticket.id %}">{{ ticket.subject }}</a></td> <td>{{ ticket.status_text }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {% if tickets.has_previous or tickets.has_next %} <p class="pages"> {% if tickets.has_previous %} <a href="?{{ filter }}&page={{ tickets.previous_page_number }}"><</a> {% endif %} <a href="?{{ filter }}&page={{ tickets.number }}">{{ tickets.number }}</a> {% if tickets.has_next %} <a href="?{{ filter }}&page={{ tickets.next_page_number }}">></a> {% endif %} </p> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}