{% load i18n %}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}">
    {% if title %}
        <title>{{ title }} - CCrypto VPN</title>
    {% else %}
        <title>CCrypto VPN</title>
    {% endif %}
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/pure-min.css' %}" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/grids-responsive-min.css' %}" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/font-awesome.min.css' %}" media="screen" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">    
    {% block headers %}{% endblock %}
    <div id="topbar">
        <div class="topbar-left">
                <a href="http://ccrypto.org">CCrypto</a>
                // <a href="//status.ccrypto.org/">{% trans 'Service Status' %}</a>
                {% for l, _ in LANGUAGES %}
                | <a href="{% url 'set_lang' %}?lang={{l}}&amp;next={{request.get_full_path}}">{{l.upper}}</a>
                {% endfor %}
        <div class="topbar-right">
            {% if user.is_authenticated %}
                <p><a class="create" href="/account/">{% trans 'Your account' %}</a>
                    <a class="create" href="/account/logout">{% trans 'Logout' %}</a>
            {% else %}
                <p><a href="/account/signup" class="create">{% trans 'Sign up' %}</a>
                    <a href="/account/login" class="create">{% trans 'Log in' %}</a>
            {% endif %}
        <div style="clear:both"></div>
    <header id="header">
        <div id="logo">
            <h2><a href="//ccrypto.org/">CCrypto</a></h2>
            <h1><a href="/">VPN</a></h1>
                <li><a href="/">{% trans "VPN" %}</a></li>
                <li><a href="/status">{% trans "Servers" %}</a></li>
                <li><a href="/page/help">{% trans "Guides" %}</a></li>
                {% if user.is_authenticated %}
                <li><a href="/tickets/">{% trans "Support" %}</a></li>
                {% endif %}
                {% if user.is_staff %}
                <li><a href="/admin/">{% trans "Admin" %}</a></li>
                {% endif %}
        <div style="clear: both"></div>

    {% block wrap %}
    {% if motd %}
        <div class="message motd">
            <p>{{ motd | safe }}</p>
    {% endif %}
    {% for message in messages %}
        <div class="message">
            <p class="{{message.tags}}">{{ message }}</p>
    {% endfor %}

    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
    {% endblock %}

    <footer id="footer">
            {% if CLIENT_ON_VPN %}
                <b>{% trans "You are using the VPN." %}</b>
            {% endif %}
            {% trans "Your IP address: " %}
            {{ CLIENT_IP }}
            <br />
            <a href="//ccrypto.org/">Cognitive Cryptography</a>
            - <a href="https://twitter.com/CCrypto_VPN">{% trans 'CCrypto_VPN on Twitter' %}</a>
            - <a href="/page/tos">{% trans 'ToS' %}</a>
            - <a href="https://github.com/CCrypto/ccvpn3">{% trans "It's open-source!" %}</a>

    {{ADDITIONAL_HTML | safe}}

    {% block livechat_thing %}
        {% if not request.user.is_staff %}
            {% if SUPPORT_HTML %}
                {{SUPPORT_HTML | safe}}
            {% else %}
                <div class="livechat-thing">
                    <a href="/chat">
                        <span class="icon"></span>
                        {% blocktrans %}Any question? <b>Chat with us</b>{% endblocktrans %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}