{% extends 'account_layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load static %} {% block headers %} {% endblock %} {% block account_content_outer %}
{% if user_motd %}

{{ user_motd | safe }}

{% endif %}

{% trans 'Account' %} : {{user.username}}

{% trans "Status" %}
{% trans "Subscription" %} {% if subscription.status == 'active' %} {% blocktrans trimmed with until=subscription.next_renew|date:'Y-m-d' backend=subscription.backend.backend_verbose_name %} ACTIVE. Renews on {{until}} via {{backend}}. {% endblocktrans %} ({% trans "cancel" %}) {% else %} - {% endif %}
{% trans "Expiration" %} {{user.vpnuser.expiration|date:'Y-m-d H:i'|default:'-'}} {% if user.vpnuser.is_paid %} {% blocktrans trimmed with left=user.vpnuser.expiration|timeuntil %} ({{ left }} left) {% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}
{% if not subscription %}
{% endif %} {% if user.vpnuser.can_have_trial %}

{% blocktrans trimmed with left=user.vpnuser. %} For up to one week, you can activate your free trial for the next two hours by clicking on this button: {% endblocktrans %}

{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} Get two weeks for free for every referral that takes at least one month! {% endblocktrans %} {% trans 'Share this link' %}:

{% trans 'tweet' %} banner leaderboard

{% endblock %}