from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from payments.models import ACTIVE_BACKENDS, SUBSCR_PERIOD_CHOICES, period_months CURRENCY_CODE, CURRENCY_NAME = settings.PAYMENTS_CURRENCY MONTHLY_PRICE = settings.PAYMENTS_MONTHLY_PRICE class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Update Stripe plans" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--force-run', action='store_true', help="Run even when Stripe backend is disabled") parser.add_argument('--force-update', action='store_true', help="Replace plans, including matching ones") def handle(self, *args, **options): if 'stripe' not in ACTIVE_BACKENDS and options['force-run'] is False: raise CommandError("stripe backend not active.") backend = ACTIVE_BACKENDS['stripe'] stripe = backend.stripe for period_id, period_name in SUBSCR_PERIOD_CHOICES: plan_id = backend.get_plan_id(period_id) months = period_months(period_id) amount = months * MONTHLY_PRICE kwargs = dict( id=plan_id, amount=months * MONTHLY_PRICE, interval='month', interval_count=months, + " (%s)" % period_id, currency=CURRENCY_CODE, ) self.stdout.write('Plan %s: %d months for %.2f %s (%s)... ' % ( plan_id, months, amount / 100, CURRENCY_NAME, CURRENCY_CODE), ending='') self.stdout.flush() try: plan = stripe.Plan.retrieve(plan_id) except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError: plan = None def is_valid_plan(): if not plan: return False for k, v in kwargs.items(): if getattr(plan, k) != v: return False return True if plan: if is_valid_plan() and not options['force_update']: self.stdout.write('[ok]')) continue plan.delete() update = True else: update = False stripe.Plan.create(**kwargs) if update: self.stdout.write('[updated]')) else: self.stdout.write('[created]'))