from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings as project_settings from .base import BackendBase class PaypalBackend(BackendBase): backend_id = 'paypal' backend_verbose_name = _("PayPal") backend_display_name = _("PayPal") backend_has_recurring = True def __init__(self, settings): self.test = settings.get('TEST', False) self.header_image = settings.get('HEADER_IMAGE', None) self.title = settings.get('TITLE', 'VPN Payment') self.currency = settings.get('CURRENCY', 'EUR') self.account_address = settings.get('ADDRESS') self.receiver_address = settings.get('RECEIVER', self.account_address) if self.test: default_api = '' else: default_api = '' self.api_base = settings.get('API_BASE', default_api) if self.account_address: self.backend_enabled = True def new_payment(self, payment): ROOT_URL = project_settings.ROOT_URL params = { 'cmd': '_xclick', 'notify_url': ROOT_URL + reverse('payments:cb_paypal', args=(,)), 'item_name': self.title, 'amount': '%.2f' % (payment.amount / 100), 'currency_code': self.currency, 'business': self.account_address, 'no_shipping': '1', 'return': ROOT_URL + reverse('payments:view', args=(,)), 'cancel_return': ROOT_URL + reverse('payments:cancel', args=(,)), } if self.header_image: params['cpp_header_image'] = self.header_image payment.status_message = _("Waiting for PayPal to confirm the transaction... " + "It can take up to a few minutes...") return redirect(self.api_base + '/cgi-bin/webscr?' + urlencode(params)) def new_subscription(self, rps): months = { '3m': 3, '6m': 6, '12m': 12, }[rps.period] ROOT_URL = project_settings.ROOT_URL params = { 'cmd': '_xclick-subscriptions', 'notify_url': ROOT_URL + reverse('payments:cb_paypal_subscr', args=(,)), 'item_name': self.title, 'currency_code': self.currency, 'business': self.account_address, 'no_shipping': '1', 'return': ROOT_URL + reverse('payments:return_subscr', args=(,)), 'cancel_return': ROOT_URL + reverse('account:index'), 'a3': '%.2f' % (rps.period_amount / 100), 'p3': str(months), 't3': 'M', 'src': '1', } if self.header_image: params['cpp_header_image'] = self.header_image return redirect(self.api_base + '/cgi-bin/webscr?' + urlencode(params)) def handle_verified_callback(self, payment, params): if self.test and params['test_ipn'] != '1': raise ValueError('Test IPN') txn_type = params.get('txn_type') if txn_type not in (None, 'web_accept', 'express_checkout'): # Not handled here and can be ignored return if params['payment_status'] == 'Refunded': payment.status = 'refunded' payment.status_message = None elif params['payment_status'] == 'Completed': self.handle_completed_payment(payment, params) def handle_verified_callback_subscr(self, subscr, params): if self.test and params['test_ipn'] != '1': raise ValueError('Test IPN') txn_type = params.get('txn_type') if not txn_type.startswith('subscr_'): # Not handled here and can be ignored return if txn_type == 'subscr_payment': if params['payment_status'] == 'Refunded': # FIXME: Find the payment and do something pass elif params['payment_status'] == 'Completed': payment = subscr.create_payment() if not self.handle_completed_payment(payment, params): return subscr.last_confirmed_payment = payment.created subscr.backend_extid = params.get('subscr_id', '') if subscr.status == 'new' or subscr.status == 'unconfirmed': subscr.status = 'active' elif txn_type == 'subscr_cancel' or txn_type == 'subscr_eot': subscr.status = 'cancelled' def handle_completed_payment(self, payment, params): from payments.models import Payment # Prevent making duplicate Payments if IPN is received twice pc = Payment.objects.filter(backend_extid=params['txn_id']).count() if pc > 0: return False if self.receiver_address != params['receiver_email']: raise ValueError('Wrong receiver: ' + params['receiver_email']) if self.currency.lower() != params['mc_currency'].lower(): raise ValueError('Wrong currency: ' + params['mc_currency']) payment.paid_amount = int(float(params['mc_gross']) * 100) if payment.paid_amount < payment.amount: raise ValueError('Not fully paid.') payment.user.vpnuser.add_paid_time(payment.time) payment.user.vpnuser.on_payment_confirmed(payment) payment.backend_extid = params['txn_id'] payment.status = 'confirmed' payment.status_message = None return True def verify_ipn(self, request): v_url = self.api_base + '/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_notify-validate' v_req = urlopen(v_url, data=request.body, timeout=5) v_res = return v_res == b'VERIFIED' def callback(self, payment, request): if not self.verify_ipn(request): return False params = request.POST try: self.handle_verified_callback(payment, params) return True except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: payment.status = 'error' payment.status_message = None payment.backend_data['ipn_exception'] = repr(e) payment.backend_data['ipn_last_data'] = repr(request.POST) raise def callback_subscr(self, subscr, request): if not self.verify_ipn(request): return False params = request.POST try: self.handle_verified_callback_subscr(subscr, params) return True except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: subscr.status = 'error' subscr.status_message = None subscr.backend_data['ipn_exception'] = repr(e) subscr.backend_data['ipn_last_data'] = repr(request.POST) raise def get_ext_url(self, payment): if not payment.backend_extid: return None url = '' return url % payment.backend_extid def get_subscr_ext_url(self, subscr): if not subscr.backend_extid: return None return ('' '&encrypted_profile_id=%s' % subscr.backend_extid)