from datetime import timedelta from io import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from import BaseCommand from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.db.models import Count from django.utils import timezone def get_prev_month(d): if d.month == 1: year = d.year - 1 month = 12 else: year = d.year month = d.month - 1 return d.replace(month=month, year=year) def should_bill(report, user, time_limit): """ Determines if one user has actually paid for the current month """ # Here for consistency, should be filtered in the query if not user.vpnuser.expiration or user.vpnuser.expiration < time_limit: return False # Replay payments payments = list(user.payment_set.order_by('id').filter(status='confirmed')) paid_expiration = None for p in payments: d = p.confirmed_on or p.created paid_expiration = max(paid_expiration or d, d) + p.time # Numbre of days paid after the start of the month # If negative and not filtered with vpnuser.expiration, user was given time. # If positive, user has paid for this time. delta = paid_expiration - time_limit if delta < timedelta(): report.write("- %s (#%d): %s\n" % (user.username,, -delta)) return delta > timedelta() class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Generate and send a monthly usage report to ADMINS" def handle(self, *args, **options): addresses = settings.USAGE_REPORT_DESTINATION def format_e(n): return '%.2f%s' % (n / 100, settings.PAYMENTS_CURRENCY[1]) # Dates end =, second=0, minute=0, hour=0, day=5) start = get_prev_month(end) # Filter users filtering_report = StringIO() all_users = User.objects.order_by('id') active_users = all_users.filter(vpnuser__expiration__gt=start) paying_users = active_users.filter(payment__status='confirmed').annotate(Count('payment')).filter(payment__count__gt=0) users = [u for u in paying_users if should_bill(filtering_report, u, start)] # Generate report report = "CCVPN Usage Report\n" report += "==================\n\n" report += "From: %s\nTo : %s\n\n" % (start, end) keys = ('Users', 'Active', 'W/Payment', 'Selected') values = (all_users.count(), active_users.count(), paying_users.count(), len(users)) report += " | ".join("%-10s" % s for s in keys) + "\n" report += " | ".join("%-10s" % s for s in values) + "\n" report += "\n" user_cost = settings.VPN_USER_COST total_cost = settings.VPN_USER_COST * len(users) report += "Billed: %d * %s = %s\n" % (len(users), format_e(user_cost), format_e(total_cost)) report += "\n" if filtering_report.getvalue(): report += "Ignored users:\n" report += filtering_report.getvalue() report += "\n" users_text = "\n".join("%s (#%d)" % (u.username, for u in users) subject = "[CCVPN] Usage Report: %s to %s" % ( start.strftime('%m/%Y'), end.strftime('%m/%Y')) # Send print(report) print("-------") print("Send to: " + ", ".join(a for a in addresses)) print("Confirm? [y/n] ", end='') i = input() if i.lower().strip() != 'y': return for dest in addresses: mail = EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=report, from_email=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, to=[dest]) mail.attach('users.txt', users_text, 'text/plain') mail.send() print("Sent.")