{% extends 'account_layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block account_content %}

{% trans 'Logs' %}

{% trans 'Everything we have to keep about you. Automatically deleted after 1 year.' %}

{% for line in sessions %} {% endfor %}
{% trans 'Date' %} {% trans 'Duration' %} {% trans 'Client IP' %} {% trans 'Shared IP' %} {% trans 'Bandwidth' %}
{{ line.connect_date }} {% if line.disconnect_date != None %} {{ line.connect_date|timesince:line.disconnect_date }} {% else %} {% trans "Open" %} {% endif %} {{ line.remote.addr|default:_('[unknown]') }} {{ line.gateway.main_addr.ipv4|default:_('[unknown]') }} {{ line.stats.up | filesizeformat }} / {{ line.stats.down | filesizeformat }}

{% if prev != None and prev > 0 %} << {% endif %} {% if prev != None %} < {% endif %} {{ page }} {% if next != None %} > {% endif %} {% if next != None and last_page > next %} >> {% endif %}

{% endblock %}