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import hashlib
import binascii
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import BasePasswordHasher
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
class LegacyPasswordHasher(BasePasswordHasher):
""" Legacy password hasher.
Single SHA512 iteration with a 32 bytes salt.
It's wrong and should not be used except for backward compatibility.
CCVPN2 had it in a binary form, it must be base64-encoded and appened
to "legacy_sha512$" during the migration.
algorithm = "legacy_sha512"
def encode(self, password, salt):
assert password is not None
if isinstance(password, str):
password = bytes(password, 'utf-8')
if isinstance(salt, str):
salt = bytes(salt, 'utf-8')
hash = hashlib.sha512(salt + password)
return "%s$%s%s" % (self.algorithm, binascii.b2a_hex(salt).decode('utf-8'),
def verify(self, password, encoded):
algorithm, rest = encoded.split('$', 1)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
binary = binascii.a2b_hex(rest)
encoded_2 = self.encode(password, binary[:32])
return encoded == encoded_2
def safe_summary(self, encoded):
algorithm, hash = encoded.split('$', 1)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
return OrderedDict([
(_('algorithm'), algorithm),
(_('salt'), hash[0:8]),
(_('hash'), hash[64:72]),
def must_update(self, encoded):
return True # "legacy"